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Rosalia Lehrforst (Regular)

Operator: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Forest Demonstration Centre
DEIMS-SDR Database: Rosalia Lehrforst
Contact: Eugenio Diaz-Pines

Site description

The Demonstration Forest (950 ha) was set up in 1972 by agreement between the Federal Forest of Austria and the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna. However, the University conductes research in this area since 1875, at which time considerable documentation and a forest description and planning strategy was elaborated. The forest is located on the western slopes of the Rosalien Mountais in the southeastern part of Lower Austria (LAT 47°42’N, LON 16°17’ E). The elevation rangess between 300 and 720 m a.s.l, with a mean annual temperature of 6.5 °C and 800 mm of annual precipitation. The forest is mainly composed of beech communities (Fagetums) and spruce-fir-beech forest communities (Abieti-Fagetum). The key task of the Forest Demonstration Centre is to support the educational and research work of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. Accordingly, accommodation, work and teaching facilities are provided at the site.

The research focus lies within the following areas:

  • Collection and provision of area-based data by means of a geographical information system (GIS) and development of user-supporting applications
  • Collection and provision of environmental data
  • Establishing and monitoring of sample plots, especially for beech growth and treatment-related questions
  • Characterization of local (micro)climates
  • Environmental impacts upon forest ecosystems
  • Monitoring and modeling of small forested watersheds

Essential research and educational infrastructure comprise:

  • 3 climate stations
  • 2 scaffolding measurement towers (35m) with instrument cabins
  • 1 measuring weir for runoff monitoring (watershed 230 ha)
  • Surveying and mapping equipment (terrestrial and GPS)
  • IT room with various software packages (GIS, planning tools, etc.)
  • Laboratories and study rooms
  • Lecture hall
  • Accommodation


  • Schwen, A., Zimmermann, M., Bodner, G. (2014): Vertical variations of soil hydraulic properties within two soil profiles and ist relevance for soil water simulations. Journal of Hydrology, 516, 169-181