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Research Foci of LTER-Austria

Since the sites were established, in some cases as far back as 100 years ago, more than 700 scientists have worked there, producing unique hot spots for ecological knowledge in the process. Currently, c. 300 national and international scientists are working at these sites or with the data from these sites. In total, c. 500 projects have taken place.

LTER-Austria unites and links the following key thematic areas in a consistent manner, as these are found in recognised conceptual models:

Process-oriented Ecosystem Research

- Natural sciences basic research
- Investigation of functionally and structurally important ecosystem compartments
- Long-term impacts of drivers and combinations of drivers upon ecosystem functions and services)

Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Research

- Recording the status, trend and functional relationships of species
- Ensuring the long-term survival of species, their genetic diversity and ecological integrity and functionality of habitats
- Long-term safeguarding of biodiversity supported ecosystem services
- Analysis and scenarios for the adaptation of species and habitats to global change (including climate change)

Socio-Ecological Research

- Socio-ecological basic research: Society-nature interaction, socio-ecological transitions, changes in resources use
- Environmental history and historical sustainability research
- Integrated socio-ecological modelling: Process and systems knowledge, scenarios, interdisciplinary integration
- Helping the effective response to grand societal challenges (e.g. sustainable water, food and energy supply, population growth, health)