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Jamtalferner (Regular)

Operator: Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences
DEIMS-SDR Database: Jamtalferner
ContactAndrea Fischer

Site description

Jamtalferner glacier in Silvretta has been the subject of mass balance monitoring since 1988. A stake network is maintained for the measurement of glacier mass balance. Complementary to mass balance data, glacier length changes and historical maps are available since about 1850. The basin precipitation is measured with rain gauges. A full energy balance station records air temperature and humidity, snow temperatures, snow height, short wave and long wave incoming and outgoing radiation, rain rate, wind speed and direction as well as snow cover by repeat obliqze photographs. The data is supplied to the world glacier monitoring service in Zurich and made available to the scientific community. The nearby Jamtal hut with internet, phone connection and seminar rooms provides excellent possibilities for researchers.


  • Fischer, Andrea, Janicke, Andrina (2019): Glacier mass balance Jamtalferner, Silvretta, Austria, 2017/2018. PANGAEA.

  • Fischer, A., T. Fickert, G. Schwaizer, G. Patzelt & G. Groß (2019) Vegetation dynamics in Alpine glacier forelands tackled from space. Nature Scientific Reports 9, 13918 (2019).

  • Rutzinger M., Moran A., Fischer A., Grou00df G. (2013): Klimawandel und Klimageschichte - Die Gletscher der Silvretta unter wandelnden Klimabedingungen. Sonderband zur Montafoner Schriftenreihe.

  • Fischer, A. and G. Markl, (2009): Mass balance measurements on Hintereisferner, Kesselwandferner and Jamtalferner 2003 to 2006: database and results. Zeitschrift fu00fcr Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, 42/1, 47u00ad83.